Coffee Mo AM: Coffee break and Poster presentation
S_DATE_DOW_1, 29/Sep/2014:
10:30am - 11:00am

Mathematics Building "Georg Cantor" Theodor-Lieser-Str. 5


Computer Modeling in Mathematics Training of Future Civil Specialists

Valentyna Pikalova1, Marianna Goroneskul2

1G.S.Scovorodu Kharkiv national pedagogical university, Ukraine; 2Department of Physics and Mathematics Sciences National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine

Computer modeling is a significant indicator of professional competence for future civil safety specialists, whose professional activities include an ability to apply computer modeling to solve various professional problems by choosing appropriate computer systems.

The above said determines the content of educational process of future civil protection specialists in computer modeling teaching, which goes beyond the applying of ready-to-use computer models and involves thorough improvement of computer modeling skills required for the implementation of all phases of construction of the model and its research.

The system of computer modeling skills formation, which covers all periods of educational process (basic mathematics level, interdisciplinary level, professional level).

Development and use of computer simulation has a positive impact on the training of future professionals in general, bringing the motivational component in the learning process, facilitating the mapping of interdisciplinary connections, the integrated use of knowledge of the various sciences, enhancing the importance of self-learning and cognitive and research students.

A dynamic introduction to fractional calculus

Viktória Herczeg1, János Karsai1, Durdica Takaci2

1University of Szeged, Hungary; 2University of Novi Sad, Serbia

Fractional calculus, i.e., calculus of derivatives and integrals of fractional order are getting more and more important in applications, in particular in oscillation theory, biology, etc… However these notions are not part of any standard university curricula, mainly due to the deep mathematical theories needed.

In our talk, we will present a series of dynamic demonstrations developed in Mathematica and Geogebra. We give an interactive introduction to different definitions, properties of “diffintegrals” by simple examples to both math and applied students.

The interactive demonstrations will be available on our website www.model.u-szeged.hu.
