Ulrich Kortenkamp

Ulrich Kortenkamp is Professor of mathematics education at the University of Potsdam. Before that, he held positions at the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, the Universities of Education in Karlsruhe and Schwäbisch Gmünd, and the Technical University of Berlin.

Recent Publications

1999 Foundations of Dynamic Geometry, Kortenkamp, Ulrich , 11, Zürich, (1999) PDF icon Kortenkamp-FDG-1999a..pdf (2.74 MB)
1999 Geometrie lehren mit dem Internet, Kortenkamp, Ulli , Interface, Volume 2, p.26–29, (1999)
1999 Das Cinderella-Projekt, Kortenkamp, Ulrich H., and Richter-Gebert Jürgen , Erfahrungen mit Java, Heidelberg, p.381–401, (1999)
1998 Geometry and education in the Internet age, Kortenkamp, Ulrich H., and Richter-Gebert Jürgen , Ed-Media & Ed-Telecom 98. Proceedings of the Tenth World Conference on Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia & World Conference on Educational Telecommunications, Freiburg, Germany, June 20-25, 1998, Charlottesville, (1998) PDF icon KortenkampRichter-Ge-GEI-1998a.pdf (417.82 KB)
1997 Extremal properties of 0/1-polytopes, Kortenkamp, Ulrich, Richter-Gebert Jürgen, Sarangarajan A., and Ziegler Günter M. , Discrete & Computational Geometry, Volume 17, p.439–448, (1997)


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